It's been awhile since I've written a #3in30 post. I've been busy, getting things done, and doing the dailies. I just haven't been goal setting (more like list making). Buuuuuuuuuuut I'm back in the game now so here are my goals:
1. (God Category) Read one inspirational book. Yes, I know. This was a previous (unfinished) goal. It didn't work out. After my evening Bible time, I fall asleep. Any suggestions?
2. (Social Media Category) Empty the dining room of the 2 foot stack of magazines and catalogs. Really, this has nothing to do with social media.
Read about my blogger envy confession. Let's just say I've got some commitment issues. Maybe next month I'll set and stick to a blogging schedule. Don't hold your breath, though.
3. (Get Organized) Create a Home Management Binder. I've actually completed this one. It was a nightmare! I printed all my lists and pages. I made and laminated front and back covers. I took it to the local office supply/ print shop for binding and they RUINED it. I had to start all over and you know what? They ruined it again! Hours upon hours of work, costly paper, and precious printer ink made me want to cry. My wonderful, gallant, and always to the rescue husband offered to beat up the staff but I opted for buying a binding machine instead. Much better for all involved, wouldn't you say? We have only one office supply store and I can't afford to burn bridges with all the homeschooling supplies I need. (I did kinda' want to show them my finished binder, though. Rub their noses in it. I was successful on the first attempt! So easy. Alas, the love of Christ constrains me- after quite a bit of prayer.)
I can't wait to link up and read about your goals/progress. I always find encouragement, humor, and tons of great ideas! Let me know how you read in bed without crashing.