Week Four - Wrap Up
This is the short and sweet holiday version: I completed my goals! Yippie! Even though this month has flown by (and included both a surgery and a holiday) I consider it a huge success. I'm on top of my to-do list and have been very active in social media. I have had so much fun visiting my #3in30 friends. You are all so fun, encouraging, and just down right sweet!
I'm dashing off for another turkey & dressing sammich... catch ya' later!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Moment in Meditation
Love is patient and kind.
NLT 1 Cor 13:4
How do I really love those around me? In the hectic often frustrating details of everyday life it is easy to let things get the best of me. Do I respond to my family with the love of Christ- in patience and with kindness- or am I irritable and short with them? Lord, please help me to treat them as the treasures that they are and to better show Your patience and Your kindness to those around me. Amen
How do I really love those around me? In the hectic often frustrating details of everyday life it is easy to let things get the best of me. Do I respond to my family with the love of Christ- in patience and with kindness- or am I irritable and short with them? Lord, please help me to treat them as the treasures that they are and to better show Your patience and Your kindness to those around me. Amen
Friday, November 18, 2011
Three in Thirty
Week Three - Encouragement
Whoa Baby, the month is just flying by! With Thanksgiving fast approaching there seems to be so much more to do. I am pleased (ok, really impressed with myself) that I have completed another #3in30 goal. Yep, check another item off my list! Here's my progress so far:
Finished - typing the scriptures from the book on the favor of God (see that book here).
Finished- gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app.
In Progress/On Target- setting aside blogging time (see big comfy writing spot here)
I can think of no better way to encourage you today than to encourage you in the Lord. I want to share my Favor Scriptures with you! I spend "Power Time" everyday confessing scriptures out loud. It will really rev you up and get you going. Confessing God's Word is a powerful prayer tool and a super- charge for your faith. Try it... you'll like it! :)
Favor Scriptures
Favor Scriptures
Finished - typing the scriptures from the book on the favor of God (see that book here).
Finished- gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app.
In Progress/On Target- setting aside blogging time (see big comfy writing spot here)
I can think of no better way to encourage you today than to encourage you in the Lord. I want to share my Favor Scriptures with you! I spend "Power Time" everyday confessing scriptures out loud. It will really rev you up and get you going. Confessing God's Word is a powerful prayer tool and a super- charge for your faith. Try it... you'll like it! :)
Favor Scriptures
Favor Scriptures
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Moment in Meditation
Christ Himself has made peace between [us] by making us all one people. He has broken down the wall of hostility that used to separate us. NLT Ephesians 2:14
Am I working toward peace or away from it? Do my words and my actions reflect my desire to love others? How do I react during conflict? Am I creating unity or separation? Lord, help me to live in peace by acting peaceably.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Messy Blessing
Sometimes, in the hectic day to day tasks, in between the repetitive screams of "Mamma mamma mamma" and the "Honey, where is my ___," and the laundry, and the cooking, and the spilled juice I get caught up in the events of the day. I forget the true purpose of each day. I get frustrated. I get down. And then I remember...
For the rest of this post, please click here where you'll be redirected to my other blog, MommieKate.
For the rest of this post, please click here where you'll be redirected to my other blog, MommieKate.
Messy Blessing
Sometimes, in the hectic day to day tasks, in between the repetitive screams of "Mamma mamma mamma" and the "Honey, where is my ___," and the laundry, and the cooking, and the spilled juice I get caught up in the events of the day. I forget the true purpose of each day. I get frustrated. I get down. And then I remember...
My job is to equip my family for God's service. I get so wrapped up in the chores of care-taking that I lose sight of the blessing that it is to be the care taker of my family. I have the awesome privilege of being wife and mother. I am the help-meet. I am the glue that keeps us together. I am the woman behind the man. I am the teacher, the guardian, the...well you get it. I don't just sweep the floors- I am the Keeper of Our Home. I am responsible for these people. How they face the world and what they do in it are a result of how well I care for them, nurture them, train them, and KEEP them. They are not just workers, not just students- they are Kingdom servants with Kingdom assignments. Our home is to be a place of warmth, hospitality, and Godly instruction. My job is to tend it and these people to the glory of God. What an honor! What a blessing! I am so grateful for this blessing, messy though it may be.
Do you ever get caught up in grind? Do you get discouraged in the mundane tasks of the day? How do you see yourself and your duties? Do you ever feel un-important? Encourage yourself in the Lord. Of all the people on Earth, He has assigned that family to YOU- because of your unique talents and abilities. He created YOU just for them.
My job is to equip my family for God's service. I get so wrapped up in the chores of care-taking that I lose sight of the blessing that it is to be the care taker of my family. I have the awesome privilege of being wife and mother. I am the help-meet. I am the glue that keeps us together. I am the woman behind the man. I am the teacher, the guardian, the...well you get it. I don't just sweep the floors- I am the Keeper of Our Home. I am responsible for these people. How they face the world and what they do in it are a result of how well I care for them, nurture them, train them, and KEEP them. They are not just workers, not just students- they are Kingdom servants with Kingdom assignments. Our home is to be a place of warmth, hospitality, and Godly instruction. My job is to tend it and these people to the glory of God. What an honor! What a blessing! I am so grateful for this blessing, messy though it may be.
Do you ever get caught up in grind? Do you get discouraged in the mundane tasks of the day? How do you see yourself and your duties? Do you ever feel un-important? Encourage yourself in the Lord. Of all the people on Earth, He has assigned that family to YOU- because of your unique talents and abilities. He created YOU just for them.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A Moment in Meditation
I'm so excited about starting a new series on scripture meditations. For each mini-post, I'll highlight a Bible verse. These are the verses that I contemplate throughout the day. Scripture meditation is a powerful way to practically apply the Word to your daily life and super-charge your faith. I'll begin with a scripture that was stationed on my sidebar for awhile. It makes me re-think my to-do list.
I glorified You on earth by completing down to the last detail what You assigned me to do. MSG John17:4
I am busy, but with what? My own agenda or with His? What's on my to-do list? Is it just busy work or is it really worthwhile? Lord, let me yield to Your will for me. Thank you for giving me the grace and strength to complete the plans and tasks that you have for me.
Three in Thirty
Week Two- Progress
I am really digging technology right now. Thanks to lovely gadgets, I am writing my post from my big ole comfy chair. And it is big. Big and comfy. In front of the fire. All nice and cozy.
Post-surgery bed rest has provided a kind of a mini- epiphany moment for me. I've been stressing for-evhah about finding time to write. I've had this idea of sitting at my desk, all alone, at an appointed time, with my research and notes all laid out before me. I like things all straight, neat and nice like that.
All this time... and it's been right here all along. I don't need a certain space or even quiet time. It's even better that I'm not alone. Hubby and DS4 are happy watching a movie. And I am happy with my notebook computer. Perfect world. They don't feel neglected and I don't feel like there's not enough time for everything. It's working...for now.
I have already completed one of my goals. I have finished gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app. Loving the iPad, by the way. It's been wonderful entertainment while recuperating. Not only is it entertaining, it's a powerful organizing tool. If I had acquired it earlier, I wouldn't have troubled with my home management binder.
I'll be setting aside time each night to type my new scripture confessions. I'll also set aside time on Saturdays to write. I'm pleased so far. And comfy. Really comfy. I'm going to be surfing this weekend from my cozy spot- checking up on my #3in30 Gals.
I am really digging technology right now. Thanks to lovely gadgets, I am writing my post from my big ole comfy chair. And it is big. Big and comfy. In front of the fire. All nice and cozy.
Post-surgery bed rest has provided a kind of a mini- epiphany moment for me. I've been stressing for-evhah about finding time to write. I've had this idea of sitting at my desk, all alone, at an appointed time, with my research and notes all laid out before me. I like things all straight, neat and nice like that.
I have already completed one of my goals. I have finished gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app. Loving the iPad, by the way. It's been wonderful entertainment while recuperating. Not only is it entertaining, it's a powerful organizing tool. If I had acquired it earlier, I wouldn't have troubled with my home management binder.
I'll be setting aside time each night to type my new scripture confessions. I'll also set aside time on Saturdays to write. I'm pleased so far. And comfy. Really comfy. I'm going to be surfing this weekend from my cozy spot- checking up on my #3in30 Gals.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Three In Thirty
Week One - November Goals
#3in30 has really helped me get things in order. Even in the months that I didn't officially participate in the blog challenge, I did spend time intentionally growing in my relationship with the Lord, participating in social media, and getting my home organized. These little monthly snippets have yielded great overall progress that I am proud of. I'm so inspired and encouraged by reading your posts. I have gotten so many great ideas and learned so much from each of you...big thanks...y'all are fantastic!
This month I am going to:
Type out the scripture references from the inspirational book I read in October,
Continue writing on Saturdays, and
Compile all my passwords in a secure application/location.
I will be using (get ready for the shout out) my new iPad2 to accomplish these goals. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for such a great anniversary present! Smooch smooch to you, Honey.
#3in30 has really helped me get things in order. Even in the months that I didn't officially participate in the blog challenge, I did spend time intentionally growing in my relationship with the Lord, participating in social media, and getting my home organized. These little monthly snippets have yielded great overall progress that I am proud of. I'm so inspired and encouraged by reading your posts. I have gotten so many great ideas and learned so much from each of you...big thanks...y'all are fantastic!
This month I am going to:
Type out the scripture references from the inspirational book I read in October,
Continue writing on Saturdays, and
Compile all my passwords in a secure application/location.
I will be using (get ready for the shout out) my new iPad2 to accomplish these goals. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for such a great anniversary present! Smooch smooch to you, Honey.
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