Friday, October 18, 2013

Moonlight Over the Mountain

I wish this photo could do justice to the majesty of the moment. The full moon rising just took my breath away tonight.
We sat wrapped in blankets for awhile just watching in awe.

Then we danced. Laughed. Gave thanks. 

We breathed deep- savoring the clean mountain air. We've worked so hard to get here! Tonight we rest and admire the view. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Patience Pays

Somehow I knew when I married this man of mine that life was going to get... adventurous. Complicated, crazy, wild- those words come to mind too but adventurous is so much nicer.
We've been living in beautiful Kentucky now for a year. It is time to put down some roots, sooooooo...

We've pulled the RV out to a farm! Now I have to confess: this photo is not MY farm. It's a lovely local barn. I have a thing for barns. My farm is still "cooking," so to speak.  We have to develop a road, build a barn, purchase livestock and equipment. My son and I are going to be very busy trying to get a good start before cold winter sets in. 

Patience has paid off, my dear friends. We have a beautiful site in which to live, kind neighbors, and a grand adventure ahead of us. This year has taught me so many things. I've learned to do a lot more with a lot less. I've learned that patience is more of endurance than it is "putting up with." I've especially learned that love indeed NEVER fails.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Adventure Begins

Hi Mom (and everyone else)! Guess what? ButterBean and I are farming. Yep, I said farming. Join us here to follow the adventure.  We have to construct a road, build a barn, plant the field, and purchase livestock. Missing you, Kate

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Little Homesick

I need to get this off my chest.  You'll be my sounding board, won't you? I miss writing. I miss having the time to process all my ideas. I miss being able to finish a project. I miss my sewing machine. I miss bubble baths. I REALLY miss bubble baths. BAD.  Real bad. Wait... give me a second, I might just cry over the whole bubble bath thing...

Ok, I'm better. Where was I? Missing things: my family, my old home, my friends... Moving from Mississippi to Kentucky has been a great opportunity for my family.  My husband's job is tons less stressful. We see him so much more now. Big plus! He has regular hours which is a huge blessing for us. South Eastern KY is so beautiful! Our town is clean, friendly, slower-paced- lovely in every way. Even though we are temporarily living in our RV (shower only, no tub) God has given us a special grace to deal with the close quarters for the past nine months. There's been a learning curve that's for sure but on the whole, life has been just charming.  

Still, there's a nagging little longing for the people back home. A nagging for closet space. A nagging for my jacuzzi tub. A nagging for time to myself. I remind myself that these things will come.  Our house in MS will sell.  We will find the perfect spot here to build.  My folks will visit next month. One day my boy will be grown and I will have too much time and long for the days when he demanded all my time and attention.

How complex God has made us with the ability to feel and balance so many emotions! Gratitude for the many blessings here counter-balance the homesick blues there. We attend an awesome Church.  I've settled into a MOPS group.  We have made so many dear friends in a short time. Ah yes, life is good...

Still, I really want a bubble bath.

Monday, January 28, 2013

My Life Verse

The Lord settles me in my home and makes me to be 
a JOYFUL mother of children.
Praise to the Lord!
(Psalms 113:9)

This has been my mantra for the past several years. I cannot even count the number of times I have recited it. I used to confess it before I even met my husband in a faith-goal sort of way. After we were married and conception became a challenge I clung to this verse as desperate promise. Now I say it as a thankful prayer and reminder- especially on the tough mommy days.

Do you have a life verse? Do you use scripture to keep you focused? Please share!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

God's Love

Do you know that God loves you? I mean, really, really, really loves you.  It’s a given for most Christians, right? The whole John 3:16 thing- EVERYone knows it.  Even non-believers at football games know it. It’s probably the most memorized verse in the whole Bible. It’s the foundation of every believer’s salvation. But you know what? I’ve walked this earth for 43 years and I’m just now beginning to understand that God loves ME- me, as an individual. Sounds a little weird, huh?Heart Rocks by LN
Heart Rocks by LN
I knew God loved me in the sense of John 3:16. I knew he loved me as a part of this world He created, a part of all mankind, as a part of His Church. I always felt though like He loved me because He HAD to, as a parental obligation. I figured He probably didn’t like me very much. I thought He had to be perpetually disappointed in me because of past stupid decisions, common mistakes, a sassy attitude, and multiple failures.  He couldn’t possibly LIKE me. He knows everything. He knows my heart. He knows my secrets. He knows I don’t measure up. How could He possibly like me?

Now you might think that this is crazy. It is. It is TOTALLY crazy. That’s what happens after years of comparing myself to others, after years of self-imposed condemnation, years of listening to the lies of the enemy. Know what’s even crazier? What that kind of thinking leads to: a life of trying to be worthy of salvation. It’s the complete antithesis of grace and mercy! It is a never ending striving to obtain the unobtainable. It’s a life void of the very peace and joy that Christ died to give us. The life His resurrection promises is ours.

His forgiveness, mercy and grace mean that He loves ME- and YOU just the way we are. Do you love your children? Of course! We love them even when they are not, gasp, perfect. He loves us, knowing we will never, ever be perfect.  When we are at our very worst, He loves us.

For the past year, God has been showing me and teaching me at virtually every turn that HE loves me. Yes, even me.  It is such a relief to know that I can stop trying to earn His affection! This revelation has birthed an even greater love that I have in my heart for others. What freedom! What joy! What true gospel- good news!

Have you ever struggled with false guilt? Do you compare yourself to other Godly women? Have you ever felt unworthy of His love? Well just stop it right now! I mean right now.  Want to learn more? Need encouragement? Check out these resources: