Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guarding Our Heart

Recently my son and I were singing the "Oh, be careful little eyes what you see..." song.  I've been pondering that little song ever since.  It's a Sunday school classic- how many times have we heard it?  Sang it? Do we live it?

Proverbs 4:23 admonishes us to diligently keep our heart because what goes in ultimately comes back out. It's so easy to forget the importance of guarding our heart.  We often get so caught up in the cares of this world that we neglect the truth of the Word (Mark 4:14-20).  We keep (or tend) our heart by guarding the gates that open to it: our eyes, our ears, and our tongue.  Much of what we see, hear, and speak negatively affect us probably more than we realize.  The negativity often manifests in our attitude which affects our emotions, our relationships, and our health- every aspect of our being.

We are cautioned not to be conformed to the norms of this world (Rom 12:2).  One of the biggest "norms" that is alarming to me is what we see in the media.  All sorts of terrible, ungodly things are depicted quite graphically on mainstream tv and radio. I'm often horrified by what bombards our family on a daily basis- especially in so-called family friendly entertainment.  Even commercials are getting more and more offensive... For example, "Mommy what does male enhancement mean?" or "Is Viagra a vitamin?" I mean really, between the news, crime shows, commercials, suggestive teen shows, and crude music lyrics the gates to our eyes and ears are being flooded by the very things God tells us to avoid  (1 John 2:15-17).

How many times have you caught yourself humming a tune you heard earlier on the radio or worrying about something you saw on the news?  Images can't be un-seen.  Sounds can't be un-heard.  They persist in your subconscious.  Oh how important it is to guard what comes in! While we can't bury our heads in the sand, we can drastically limit what comes in our homes with a simple flick of the off button.

Another "norm" seems to be worry and anxiety.  Worry is such a dangerous habit that Jesus COMMANDED us not to do it (Matt 6:25-34 and Josh 1:9).  We cannot stand in faith and be anxious at the same time.  Fear and faith do not mix. Worry is so automatic that we have to re-train ourselves to trust in Him instead.  To counteract negativity, God advises us to meditate on His Word (Josh 1:8) . He encourages us to think about positive and happy things (Philp 4:8).

Singing that song reminded me to take seriously the things my family and I expose ourselves to. I am encouraged to be more mindful of what we're seeing and hearing--and subsequently meditating on.

Bible Links courtesy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Three in Thirty

This week I am reviewing my completed (did you catch that, COMPLETED) January goals.  I feel like someone should be clapping.  Let's all clap - yippee for us!  Our first month, 3in30 Ladies, is down and a new one is upon us.  Do you feel great?  I sure do!  Even though I didn't do it perfectly (like, who does? OK, except you, you overachiever- you know who you are) I worked EVERY day on at least one of my three goals.  I have such a feeling of accomplishment!

I have accomplished these goals in January (clap again, its okay):

  • Grown in my relationship with God by adding a chapter of Proverbs to my daily Bible reading
  • Made more time for social media fun by participating in not one, but several blog hops
  • Become more organized by totally defeating the food storage container cabinet monster.
Besides the feeling of accomplishment, I've had a blast!  I've met some wonderful new blog and Twitter friends.  The accountability and encouragement aspect of the 3in30 has been so rewarding. I'm looking forward to doing it again in February.  I can't wait to see what you'll be doing!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three in Thirty

For week three encouragement, I offer two of my favorite Bible confessions:

I commit my ways unto the Lord; I trust in Him & He brings them to pass. (Ps 37:5)
In Christ I always triumph. (2 Cor 2:14)

I've completed the dreaded storage food container cabinet.  Yippee! Having checked that off my list I certainly feel triumphant! I hope you're progressing and having fun with your goals this month.  One more week- WE CAN DO IT !

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday

The past week has been productive in other areas but my fitness goals- not so much.  I've been a slug.  There.  I said it.  A slug.  I've done only half of my workouts.  My husband has been making banana splits.  Yes, I ate one.  It was HUGE.  I did weigh last night (I held my breath).  It's the same.  That's better than gaining, I suppose.  Well,'s better.  (Loosing is even better, though.)    

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Homeschool Photos

Here are some photos of our classroom (back porch) and our work.  We are using the Letter of the Week curriculum by Confessions of a Homeschooler.  We also use many of the Melissa & Doug toys.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

3 in 30 - Check Up

Here's my progress report:

Relationship With God
I am so happy to report I am still reading a chapter of Proverbs every morning.  I use the Psalms and Proverbs plan in the morning and the Life Journal plan at night from YouVersion.  It's been a great way to start and end the day.
Social Media Participation
I have participated in not just one but several blog hops this month. I've added so many new peeps to my blog reader.  It has been SO TOTALLY worth the challenge of finding the time to blog read & write.
The cabinets with the food storage containers all falling're still waiting for me.

To all my 3in30 friends: keep up the good work!

Thankful Thursday

I'm so excited to be participating in my first Thankful Thursday post!

I am thankful for a kind and supportive husband.

He has been wonderfully helpful by entertaining our busy three year old in the evenings to give me blogging time.  Even though he really doesn't "get it" when it comes to social media, he honors my need for a little time to myself.  I appreciate and love him so much.

To join Thankful Thursday, click here to visit Spiritually Unequal Marriage.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Squeezing in Time for Self Care

It's official: my very first guest post. I feel so...famous! lol - I have the biggest geeky grin on my face! My husband will have to do the dishes tonight, you know, now that I'm (say it with me) famous. OK, maybe a little over the top.  I'm just so happy!

I am thrilled to announce that I am guest posting today at Living Self Care. This is a fabulous site dedicated to helping women take better care of themselves. To learn some of the ways that I squeeze in "me time" in my busy day click here.

I really would appreciate the visit and some blog hugging comments on my (squeal!) very first guest post.  See you there!

Simple Strategies For Self-Care

I am thrilled to announce that I am guest posting today at Living Self Care. This is a fabulous site dedicated to helping women take better care of themselves. To learn some of the ways that I squeeze in "me time" in my busy day click here.

I really would appreciate the visit and some blog hugging comments on my (squeal!) very first guest post.  See you there!

Weight Loss Wednesday- Week 2

I'm still in!  I've done a thirty minute cardio- workout every other day.  I've been using the Dance Central and the Your Shape Xbox Kinect video games. It's so much fun!  I need to adjust my schedule to work out before my son wakes up.  He just can't stay out of the action which makes it hard to keep up my momentum.

My goal to limit eating out to once a week was shot. We traveled out of town over the weekend to celebrate Christmas with Hubby's family. I'll just have to buckle down this week in that department. Still... I lost two pounds.  Yippee!

Don't forget to use the #momfit hashtag on Twitter and visit Domestically Challenged to link up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sensory Bins Are Magic!

I've read a lot about sensory bins and how little ones learn so much through sensory exploration.  SO I made a sensory bin for my preschooler. He LOVES it!  I did it for the educational aspect.  If I had only kept my 3yo occupied for an hour.  That's right, I said a whole HOUR.  It's the closet thing to real magic that I've ever heard of.

I filled a plastic bin with dry rice, plastic measuring cups, utensils, and some tiny wooden blocks.  I spent less than $5.00 at the dollar store on the contents and a vinyl tablecloth to contain any mess.  It was great watching him explore: sifting, pouring, and inspecting each item. We talked about how the rice felt, concepts like bigger & smaller, inside & outside, and full & empty.  It seems so simple but it's really a great learning opportunity.  It went over so well, I plan to do another and fill it with seasonal items.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Three in Thirty

OK, OK, win.  I've read your tweets, visited your blogs and now (gasp) I (who totally does not do New Year Resolutions) have joined in the #3in30.  I've been inspired! PLUS, the idea of taking baby steps helps...committing to one month at a time just seems so much more do-able for me.  Having a community to do it with is, well, just plain FUN. So- I'm all in.

This year I want to grow in my relationship with God, dedicate more time to social media fun, and finish some of the home chores that I've been avoiding. Now thanks to 3in30, I can do it one little 'ole month at a time.

My goals for this month:

  1. Add a chapter of Proverbs every day to my Bible reading plan (to grow wiser)
  2. Participate in at least one blog hop every month (to be more social)
  3. Clean out the food storage container portion of my cabinets (to get kitchen organized)
So far, I have done well. I've read a Proverbs every morning.  I have participated in THREE link-ups.  I have not yet tackled the two cabinets.  I'm waiting for hubby's day off so he can have some time out of the house with our son.  I figure I'll get it done faster with no interruptions.

With 3in30, I can get it together AND meet new friends.  You gotta' love that!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday

I'm very excited about Weight Loss Wednesday!  Alana Morales at Domestically Challenged has started a new feature on her blog about weight loss.  She's offering encouragement, tips, interviews, accountability and the opportunity for others to join her in the fun.  While I can't promise a blog post on the subject every Wednesday, I can tweet- tweet- tweet about it. She and I have started a special Twitter hashtag ( #momfit ) .

My goal is to loose ten pounds (and wear my skinny jeans) by summer.  I'll be walking and using  Wii  & Xbox Kinect video fitness games.  Really, why should the kids get to have all the fun? I plan to limit dining out to one day a week.  I may throw in some weights too

If getting fit is one of your New Year's goals, I hope you'll join the fun. Go visit Alana for details how to join her Weight Loss Wednesday.  Don't forget to use #momfit if you want to tweet your fitness plans/ progress.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just for Fun

I'm thinking about using my other blog, MommieKate for my FUN side.  I could do my blog hops there and post photographs-things, you know- a little less "practical."  There are so many of you that have social hops.  Having an additional blog dedicated to the more fun stuff will help me participate without compromising the ideal of this site.  I'll still be posting my tips and faith-related thoughts here. I hope you'll "follow" both spots. Thank you!  I truly appreciate your visit!

To read my latest posts on homeschooling,
click here for Report Card Time and 
click here for Sensory Bins are Magic.

For Fitness click here.  

For 3in30 click here.

Report Card Time!

Oh how I used to hold my breath at report card time.  Not that I had anything to worry about.  I was a solid A-B student, but there was this awful feeling. You know, I thought it would be good but you just never know.  Things happen.  Funny, the things I used to worry about.  Now that I am homeschooling my son, I wonder if we'll do report cards.  Right now, we are pre-schooling.  Report cards at this stage just seem unnecessary.  Then again I do have to monitor his progress- ah, who knows?  Right now, posting our work on the wall seems to be enough reward.

We are half-way through the school year.  During our holiday break, I've reflected on what has worked and what hasn't so far. Our Letter Of The Week Curriculum by Confessions of a Homeschooler has been terrific. Not that we get through all the activities, but it holds my son's interest and it's super easy to implement.  It's so rewarding to watch him learn.  Homeschooling has been great for our relationship too.  At the end of the day, I feel like I have spent directed, intentional time with him-  not just in the same house together time.  The flexibility of homeschooling has been great.  We've had an extended holiday due to some family emergencies that arose right before Christmas.  We've done some of the lessons in bed- how great is that?!

I need to get more disciplined about sticking to our daily routine. Some aspects of this year have been about "working out the kinks."  We belong to a Christian Homeschooling group and a MOPS group to squelch socialization concerns. All in all, I am so glad that I decided to pre-school at home.  I've learned so much and enjoyed visiting with the other HS Moms from the Hip Homeschool Hop. Cheers for a great semester: A+!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Just an Idea

I'm thinking about using this site for my fun side.  I could do my blog hops here and post photographs- you know- a little less "practical."  I'll still be posting my tips and faith-related thoughts at Practical Faith for Everyday Life. I hope you'll "follow" both spots. Thank you!  I truly appreciate your visit!