Thursday, April 7, 2011

Three in Thirty

I must admit: I've had a hard time picking my goals for April.  There just seems to be so much to do. Narrowing it down has been almost impossible.  Heck- I don't even have all three.  I'm hoping that somehow as I type it will come to me.

My three categories are: to grow in my relationship with God, participate regularly in social media, and become more organized.  OK, it's starting to come to me.  I want spend more time reading so I'll make that a goal. #1 Finish a book of spiritual nature.  I didn't do so well coming up with a blogging/writing schedule so I'll keep that as #2.  Hmmm...#3...get more organized...hmmm.  I've started doing online surveys and swagbuck collecting.  I think for #3, I'll create a form (and share it online) to keep up with my surveys and such and whether or not I've received compensation.

There you have it.  A week later but I've got it. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.  I can't wait to see your April goals and progress.  #3in30 blessings to you!

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for spring time.  With everything in bloom and mild temperatures it is so much fun to be outdoors.  My son and I have been able to romp and play almost every afternoon.  We picnic and even do some of our homeschooling lessons on a blanket in the yard.
Spring is a time for renewal.  It gives me that clean slate- anything is possible feeling. The crisp air and sunshine make me smile on the inside.  I feel like a kid again- good thing I have a little kid to be silly with! If you haven't already, take the opportunity to go outside and PLAY. Enjoy nature.  Have fun. Be silly.

What are you thankful for? Link up at Spiritually Unequal Marriage and share!