Thursday, April 7, 2011

Three in Thirty

I must admit: I've had a hard time picking my goals for April.  There just seems to be so much to do. Narrowing it down has been almost impossible.  Heck- I don't even have all three.  I'm hoping that somehow as I type it will come to me.

My three categories are: to grow in my relationship with God, participate regularly in social media, and become more organized.  OK, it's starting to come to me.  I want spend more time reading so I'll make that a goal. #1 Finish a book of spiritual nature.  I didn't do so well coming up with a blogging/writing schedule so I'll keep that as #2.  Hmmm...#3...get more organized...hmmm.  I've started doing online surveys and swagbuck collecting.  I think for #3, I'll create a form (and share it online) to keep up with my surveys and such and whether or not I've received compensation.

There you have it.  A week later but I've got it. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.  I can't wait to see your April goals and progress.  #3in30 blessings to you!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning! Those are great goals - and I think you've done a little bit of each goal, which is good :) Baby steps!
