I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (KJV) John 15:5
For so long I knew that verse to mean I am nothing without Jesus. While that is true on a certain level, there is so much more. Meditate on that verse. Dig deeper. Ponder it awhile...
He supplies me. If He lives in me and I remain in Him, I am fruitful. I am productive. I am successful. It is Christ that gives me what I need to accomplish the life before me. He works in me. He works through me. Have you ever wondered how? Have you ever felt like
it wasn't working? Why?
It's that word "abide." There's the key. I must abide in Him. From experience let me tell you that you cannot abide in Him with just a weekly Church service and a nightie-nite prayer. Abide means to dwell, live, remain, endure. It's a pretty weighty word. Now it seems complicated- almost daunting. Like any other relationship, it does take time. There is just no way around it. It doesn't; however, have to be complicated. Trying to set aside a particular block of time was not working for me. I ended up overwhelmed, discouraged, and feeling guilty because it was a task I couldn't accomplish. That's just it, though. Jesus is not a task. He is a person. One who wants you to actually ENJOY time with Him. If spending time with our Lord has been difficult for you, don't give up! I de-mystified and simplified. Making small adjustments in my routine has made all the difference in the world for me. Let me show you what I mean...
I do five very simple things every day to keep in touch with Jesus. These things don't take much time at all when I spread them throughout my day.
- Morning Devotion. I use From Faith to Faith by Kenneth & Gloria Copeland. You can purchase the book or view it for free online. They will even email it to you upon request. I have the link on my iPhone so I can view it anytime/ anywhere.
- Daily Scripture Meditation. The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord is an excellent one minute devotion by Charles Hurburt and T.C. Horton. While it is available in paperback, I use the mobile version on my iPhone.
- Scripture Confession. I have compiled a notebook of scriptures that I recite out loud throughout the day. I rotate them. One day I'll say the ones on health, then one day on parenting, one day on finances. You get the idea.
- I pray all day long. Not the stop what you're doing, formal kind of prayers- hardly! I say the "Good Morning Lord! Help me face the day" kind of prayer. You know: like,"O Lord, show me how to handle this." "Son is jumping on my last nerve, what do You want me to do with him? "Thank you for putting the milk on sale!" I talk to God all day long like I would to my husband, my friends, or anyone else. I'm not disrespectful but I am familiar.
- Evening Bible Time. Yes, yes, you know me well... I have an iPhone app for that too! (Face it: its just FUN that way!) I like the Robert Roberts plan. Two- Four chapters a night takes all of 15 minutes.
Of course, if you can do more that's great. If not, do what you can. Jesus knows and He understands. Keeping it simple, fun, and weaving it into my minute-by-minute daily routine has made it do-able for me. My faith is no longer an ideal. It is PRACTICAL. It is real and IT WORKS.