I found some lovely blogs that helped bring me back to "OK, I can do this" state. More on them later (plus links). While I am in no way an expert, I did figure out a few things over the summer. Here is a summary of my Crash Course for Home School Newbies:
- Start with the legalities. Find out what the laws are in your state. This will help guide you through your curriculum choices. You may not even want or need a curriculum. My state is one that has few requirements and gives parents great freedom.
- Consider your own skills and limitations as well as your family's. Do you follow a tight schedule, a flexible routine, or do you fly by the seat of your pants? Are you creative? Do you need the guidance of a curriculum? How much guidance? What is your budget? I chose mine based on flexibility and budget.
- What support will you have? Is your spouse on board? Will he be able to help - to what degree? Is there a homeschooling group in your area? I joined a local Christian HS group to get ideas & guidance from veteran parents and for the field trip opportunities.
- Have a firm idea of why you want to pursue this. You will want it in neon flashing lights. I'm not kidding- it starts with the curriculum choices, the HOURS of prep work, and ends with a lot of negative questions and comments from others. It's fun, it's rewarding, but it is HARD WORK.
- Relax and keep it all in perspective. Nothing is set it stone. You will explore and change styles, methods, and curriculum many times as you grow and your school days go by. You'll learn as you go. You may even change your mind all together about home education. Homeschooling is ALL ABOUT FLEXIBILITY and doing what is best for each stage of your family's life.
Don't stress. Trust God to guide you. Trust yourself. Have fun.
I want to give blog hugs to Sue, thehomeschoolchick and to Erica at confessionsofahomeschooler. These ladies gave me confidence, a place to start, and shared a sense of humor in the process. They have great links to other helpful sites. If you are homeschooling you probably already know them. If you are still in the consideration stage, go check out their sites- you'll be glad you did. Also, to find out your state's laws visit http://www.hslda.org/laws/default.asp. HAPPY HOMESCHOOLING!
For more great links check out the Hip Homeschool Blog Hop:
For more great links check out the Hip Homeschool Blog Hop: