Saturday, December 24, 2011
Are You Coping With Grief or Loss?
The holidays can be difficult- especially if you are dealing with tragedy. If you need a shoulder to lean on, please follow this link. You'll be redirected to a post I published last year. In it I share how my husband and I recovered from loss during the holiday season. I hope you find it helpful.
Three in Thirty
Weeks Three and Four (I can do that, right?)
These days have just been wild! I'm not sure I'll complete my #3in30 goals this month- I may just have to carry over into January. The upside: my mobile office is complete & my organizational post is ready to publish next month. The downside: I have not even begun to type my homeschool scriptures.
This verse has been especially encouraging to me lately. I hope it blesses you too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
These days have just been wild! I'm not sure I'll complete my #3in30 goals this month- I may just have to carry over into January. The upside: my mobile office is complete & my organizational post is ready to publish next month. The downside: I have not even begun to type my homeschool scriptures.
This verse has been especially encouraging to me lately. I hope it blesses you too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Three in Thirty
Week Two - Status
Am I the only one feeling like there are not enough hours in the day? By the way, I still dream about having a Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons. Could it really be that hard? Really? (Yes, Honey Hubby Wonderful Man this is a hint...)
Oh yeah: progress. Maybe I should have made getting the Christmas presents made/purchased one of my goals. I've not bought ONE bless-ed thing. Nope- not one. I'm usually so on top of that. I have been busy, though. We've been camping, decorating, playdates...and working on my #3in30 goals. Here's my status:
I'm wishing y'all #3in30 blessings and holiday cheer from my cozy, comfy Big Chair in front of the fire (so better than the office I had wanted and stressed over, silly me).
Am I the only one feeling like there are not enough hours in the day? By the way, I still dream about having a Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons. Could it really be that hard? Really? (Yes, Honey Hubby Wonderful Man this is a hint...)
Oh yeah: progress. Maybe I should have made getting the Christmas presents made/purchased one of my goals. I've not bought ONE bless-ed thing. Nope- not one. I'm usually so on top of that. I have been busy, though. We've been camping, decorating, playdates...and working on my #3in30 goals. Here's my status:
- Typed List of Homeschool Scriptures - not yet started
- Organizational Post - working on this one. I've compiled ideas of what to include, taken pictures, edited pictures, and have rough draft started
- Create Mobile Office - DONE! I'll share more about it in the organizational post. Wanna sneak peek? Here ya go:
Idea from
I'm wishing y'all #3in30 blessings and holiday cheer from my cozy, comfy Big Chair in front of the fire (so better than the office I had wanted and stressed over, silly me).
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Three in Thirty
Week One - Roll Call
My goals this year have been to:
My goals this year have been to:
- Grow in my relationship with Christ
- Have fun with social media
- Continue to get organized.
In keeping with those overall goals, my December goals are to:
- Type a list of homeschooling scriptures
- Share some of my organization tips in a blog post (with photos)
- Make a portable home office
I've gotten a bit of a head start with the mobile office. I got the idea from A Bowl Full Of Lemons. I've purchased the tote bag and folders. Wish me luck!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Three in Thirty
Week Four - Wrap Up
This is the short and sweet holiday version: I completed my goals! Yippie! Even though this month has flown by (and included both a surgery and a holiday) I consider it a huge success. I'm on top of my to-do list and have been very active in social media. I have had so much fun visiting my #3in30 friends. You are all so fun, encouraging, and just down right sweet!
I'm dashing off for another turkey & dressing sammich... catch ya' later!
This is the short and sweet holiday version: I completed my goals! Yippie! Even though this month has flown by (and included both a surgery and a holiday) I consider it a huge success. I'm on top of my to-do list and have been very active in social media. I have had so much fun visiting my #3in30 friends. You are all so fun, encouraging, and just down right sweet!
I'm dashing off for another turkey & dressing sammich... catch ya' later!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Moment in Meditation
Love is patient and kind.
NLT 1 Cor 13:4
How do I really love those around me? In the hectic often frustrating details of everyday life it is easy to let things get the best of me. Do I respond to my family with the love of Christ- in patience and with kindness- or am I irritable and short with them? Lord, please help me to treat them as the treasures that they are and to better show Your patience and Your kindness to those around me. Amen
How do I really love those around me? In the hectic often frustrating details of everyday life it is easy to let things get the best of me. Do I respond to my family with the love of Christ- in patience and with kindness- or am I irritable and short with them? Lord, please help me to treat them as the treasures that they are and to better show Your patience and Your kindness to those around me. Amen
Friday, November 18, 2011
Three in Thirty
Week Three - Encouragement
Whoa Baby, the month is just flying by! With Thanksgiving fast approaching there seems to be so much more to do. I am pleased (ok, really impressed with myself) that I have completed another #3in30 goal. Yep, check another item off my list! Here's my progress so far:
Finished - typing the scriptures from the book on the favor of God (see that book here).
Finished- gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app.
In Progress/On Target- setting aside blogging time (see big comfy writing spot here)
I can think of no better way to encourage you today than to encourage you in the Lord. I want to share my Favor Scriptures with you! I spend "Power Time" everyday confessing scriptures out loud. It will really rev you up and get you going. Confessing God's Word is a powerful prayer tool and a super- charge for your faith. Try it... you'll like it! :)
Favor Scriptures
Favor Scriptures
Finished - typing the scriptures from the book on the favor of God (see that book here).
Finished- gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app.
In Progress/On Target- setting aside blogging time (see big comfy writing spot here)
I can think of no better way to encourage you today than to encourage you in the Lord. I want to share my Favor Scriptures with you! I spend "Power Time" everyday confessing scriptures out loud. It will really rev you up and get you going. Confessing God's Word is a powerful prayer tool and a super- charge for your faith. Try it... you'll like it! :)
Favor Scriptures
Favor Scriptures
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Moment in Meditation
Christ Himself has made peace between [us] by making us all one people. He has broken down the wall of hostility that used to separate us. NLT Ephesians 2:14
Am I working toward peace or away from it? Do my words and my actions reflect my desire to love others? How do I react during conflict? Am I creating unity or separation? Lord, help me to live in peace by acting peaceably.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Messy Blessing
Sometimes, in the hectic day to day tasks, in between the repetitive screams of "Mamma mamma mamma" and the "Honey, where is my ___," and the laundry, and the cooking, and the spilled juice I get caught up in the events of the day. I forget the true purpose of each day. I get frustrated. I get down. And then I remember...
For the rest of this post, please click here where you'll be redirected to my other blog, MommieKate.
For the rest of this post, please click here where you'll be redirected to my other blog, MommieKate.
Messy Blessing
Sometimes, in the hectic day to day tasks, in between the repetitive screams of "Mamma mamma mamma" and the "Honey, where is my ___," and the laundry, and the cooking, and the spilled juice I get caught up in the events of the day. I forget the true purpose of each day. I get frustrated. I get down. And then I remember...
My job is to equip my family for God's service. I get so wrapped up in the chores of care-taking that I lose sight of the blessing that it is to be the care taker of my family. I have the awesome privilege of being wife and mother. I am the help-meet. I am the glue that keeps us together. I am the woman behind the man. I am the teacher, the guardian, the...well you get it. I don't just sweep the floors- I am the Keeper of Our Home. I am responsible for these people. How they face the world and what they do in it are a result of how well I care for them, nurture them, train them, and KEEP them. They are not just workers, not just students- they are Kingdom servants with Kingdom assignments. Our home is to be a place of warmth, hospitality, and Godly instruction. My job is to tend it and these people to the glory of God. What an honor! What a blessing! I am so grateful for this blessing, messy though it may be.
Do you ever get caught up in grind? Do you get discouraged in the mundane tasks of the day? How do you see yourself and your duties? Do you ever feel un-important? Encourage yourself in the Lord. Of all the people on Earth, He has assigned that family to YOU- because of your unique talents and abilities. He created YOU just for them.
My job is to equip my family for God's service. I get so wrapped up in the chores of care-taking that I lose sight of the blessing that it is to be the care taker of my family. I have the awesome privilege of being wife and mother. I am the help-meet. I am the glue that keeps us together. I am the woman behind the man. I am the teacher, the guardian, the...well you get it. I don't just sweep the floors- I am the Keeper of Our Home. I am responsible for these people. How they face the world and what they do in it are a result of how well I care for them, nurture them, train them, and KEEP them. They are not just workers, not just students- they are Kingdom servants with Kingdom assignments. Our home is to be a place of warmth, hospitality, and Godly instruction. My job is to tend it and these people to the glory of God. What an honor! What a blessing! I am so grateful for this blessing, messy though it may be.
Do you ever get caught up in grind? Do you get discouraged in the mundane tasks of the day? How do you see yourself and your duties? Do you ever feel un-important? Encourage yourself in the Lord. Of all the people on Earth, He has assigned that family to YOU- because of your unique talents and abilities. He created YOU just for them.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A Moment in Meditation
I'm so excited about starting a new series on scripture meditations. For each mini-post, I'll highlight a Bible verse. These are the verses that I contemplate throughout the day. Scripture meditation is a powerful way to practically apply the Word to your daily life and super-charge your faith. I'll begin with a scripture that was stationed on my sidebar for awhile. It makes me re-think my to-do list.
I glorified You on earth by completing down to the last detail what You assigned me to do. MSG John17:4
I am busy, but with what? My own agenda or with His? What's on my to-do list? Is it just busy work or is it really worthwhile? Lord, let me yield to Your will for me. Thank you for giving me the grace and strength to complete the plans and tasks that you have for me.
Three in Thirty
Week Two- Progress
I am really digging technology right now. Thanks to lovely gadgets, I am writing my post from my big ole comfy chair. And it is big. Big and comfy. In front of the fire. All nice and cozy.
Post-surgery bed rest has provided a kind of a mini- epiphany moment for me. I've been stressing for-evhah about finding time to write. I've had this idea of sitting at my desk, all alone, at an appointed time, with my research and notes all laid out before me. I like things all straight, neat and nice like that.
All this time... and it's been right here all along. I don't need a certain space or even quiet time. It's even better that I'm not alone. Hubby and DS4 are happy watching a movie. And I am happy with my notebook computer. Perfect world. They don't feel neglected and I don't feel like there's not enough time for everything. It's working...for now.
I have already completed one of my goals. I have finished gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app. Loving the iPad, by the way. It's been wonderful entertainment while recuperating. Not only is it entertaining, it's a powerful organizing tool. If I had acquired it earlier, I wouldn't have troubled with my home management binder.
I'll be setting aside time each night to type my new scripture confessions. I'll also set aside time on Saturdays to write. I'm pleased so far. And comfy. Really comfy. I'm going to be surfing this weekend from my cozy spot- checking up on my #3in30 Gals.
I am really digging technology right now. Thanks to lovely gadgets, I am writing my post from my big ole comfy chair. And it is big. Big and comfy. In front of the fire. All nice and cozy.
Post-surgery bed rest has provided a kind of a mini- epiphany moment for me. I've been stressing for-evhah about finding time to write. I've had this idea of sitting at my desk, all alone, at an appointed time, with my research and notes all laid out before me. I like things all straight, neat and nice like that.
I have already completed one of my goals. I have finished gathering all passwords into a secure iPad app. Loving the iPad, by the way. It's been wonderful entertainment while recuperating. Not only is it entertaining, it's a powerful organizing tool. If I had acquired it earlier, I wouldn't have troubled with my home management binder.
I'll be setting aside time each night to type my new scripture confessions. I'll also set aside time on Saturdays to write. I'm pleased so far. And comfy. Really comfy. I'm going to be surfing this weekend from my cozy spot- checking up on my #3in30 Gals.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Three In Thirty
Week One - November Goals
#3in30 has really helped me get things in order. Even in the months that I didn't officially participate in the blog challenge, I did spend time intentionally growing in my relationship with the Lord, participating in social media, and getting my home organized. These little monthly snippets have yielded great overall progress that I am proud of. I'm so inspired and encouraged by reading your posts. I have gotten so many great ideas and learned so much from each of you...big thanks...y'all are fantastic!
This month I am going to:
Type out the scripture references from the inspirational book I read in October,
Continue writing on Saturdays, and
Compile all my passwords in a secure application/location.
I will be using (get ready for the shout out) my new iPad2 to accomplish these goals. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for such a great anniversary present! Smooch smooch to you, Honey.
#3in30 has really helped me get things in order. Even in the months that I didn't officially participate in the blog challenge, I did spend time intentionally growing in my relationship with the Lord, participating in social media, and getting my home organized. These little monthly snippets have yielded great overall progress that I am proud of. I'm so inspired and encouraged by reading your posts. I have gotten so many great ideas and learned so much from each of you...big thanks...y'all are fantastic!
This month I am going to:
Type out the scripture references from the inspirational book I read in October,
Continue writing on Saturdays, and
Compile all my passwords in a secure application/location.
I will be using (get ready for the shout out) my new iPad2 to accomplish these goals. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for such a great anniversary present! Smooch smooch to you, Honey.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Three in Thirty
Wrapping Up

I have completed my goals (well, almost). I have just a few pages left in my inspirational book. I have set Saturdays as my day to write (yeah, let's see if that one works out). I have decorated my home for fall. It feels so good to complete something.
I'm already looking ahead to November. What about you? Are you getting close to the finish line? I'm so proud of all of us- not for accomplishing the goals, though. I'm proud that we set goals and worked on them. We've spent intentional time improving our lives and our homes. Any progress at all is worthy of applause. I'm clapping for you. Oh wait: I have to stop typing. OK, now I'm clapping for you. Great job, Ladies!
I have completed my goals (well, almost). I have just a few pages left in my inspirational book. I have set Saturdays as my day to write (yeah, let's see if that one works out). I have decorated my home for fall. It feels so good to complete something.
I'm already looking ahead to November. What about you? Are you getting close to the finish line? I'm so proud of all of us- not for accomplishing the goals, though. I'm proud that we set goals and worked on them. We've spent intentional time improving our lives and our homes. Any progress at all is worthy of applause. I'm clapping for you. Oh wait: I have to stop typing. OK, now I'm clapping for you. Great job, Ladies!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
What's Missing
You’re making an effort to take better care of yourself. Say you’re having a good week: you’ve exercised, eaten nutritious meals, and maybe even had a spa day. Great job! Is something still...missing? To find out, please join me at Living Self Care.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Super Easy BBQ
I've posted a recipe over at MommieKate. (It's a part of my #3in30 post.) Come on over for a super delicious, easy- peasy, melt in your mouth and slap-your-mamma pulled pork sammich!
(Okay, don't really slap your Mamma. She's liable to slap you back! It's just a southern expression for sho- nuff real good food.)
(Okay, don't really slap your Mamma. She's liable to slap you back! It's just a southern expression for sho- nuff real good food.)
Three in Thirty
Week Three - Encouragement
I'm plugging along:
- almost finished the inspirational book
- still trying to find the right day for writing time (looks like Saturday, maybe. Don't hold me to it)
- finished with Fall decorations.
I'd like to encourage you today by saying, "hang in there." Great speech, huh? No really, just keep going. Keep moving forward- even if its just baby steps. Wherever you are, what ever you're doing, just take one step forward. Then another. Then another.
Since everyone is doing so well, I'm making supper for all my #3in30 Gals. That's right! Supper. Here is THE. EASIEST. SUPPER- evhah, Baby.
Here's what you'll need to make the most wonderful, delicious, moistest (did I mention easiest?) Pulled Pork Sandwiches
- Crock pot
- Pork loin
- BBQ Sauce
- Buns
That's it. Super easy.
Separate your pork loin if it comes two to a package. Place it in the crock pot and pour an entire bottle of BBQ sauce over it. Fill the empty bottle with water and add a half or more of the water over the loin. You have to eyeball this one. The amount of liquid depends on the size of your pot and loin. Don't overfill as the crock pot creates moisture. You knew that already, I know. I just had to say it. Put the lid on and bake on low for 8-10 hours. An hour before you intend to serve it, take two forks and shred the loin to pieces. It'll be so tender it will just fall apart. At this stage it may absorb more of the sauce so you will want to check it after 30 minutes to see if you need to add a little more water. Serve on buns.
We use Ubon's Dipping sauce. I'm not sure you can find it outside of the South. It's made locally. Any BBQ sauce will do. My family enjoys using Hawaiian Bread as buns. We also top our pork with coleslaw (Kroger prepared package- just add a little mayo) and a dab of Sweet Baby Ray's. Serve with chips or fries. Enjoy!
(Disclaimer/Credit: I have no idea where this recipe came from. I've been making it this way for so long I have forgotten who told me about it. Heck, I may have even come up with it on my own. Who knows? Just enjoy. Feel free to share.)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
What's Missing?
You’re making an effort to take better care of yourself. Say you’re having a good week: you’ve exercised, eaten nutritious meals, and maybe even had a spa day. Great job! Is something still...missing? To find out, please join me at Living Self Care.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Three in Thirty
I am LOVING October! Cool(er) weather, leaves turning colors, prelude to the holidays...what's not to love? I'm getting things done: reading my inspirational book and continuing to decorate for fall.

While I haven't penciled in the time on my calendar, I have found some time to blog. I'd rather have a set time every week, but when? So far I've been utilizing family TV time to hop on my mini laptop.
What's on your October agenda? Thanks, #3in30 Gals for keeping me on my toes! Look out, I'm watching you too :)
While I haven't penciled in the time on my calendar, I have found some time to blog. I'd rather have a set time every week, but when? So far I've been utilizing family TV time to hop on my mini laptop.
What's on your October agenda? Thanks, #3in30 Gals for keeping me on my toes! Look out, I'm watching you too :)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Nature Fun
With cooler weather, we are playing outdoors more. We are camping and taking nature walks. To enhance our learning in these recreational activities I purchased these nifty laminated brochures at our local bookstore. I'm sure these will last many, many years. When my son gets older, I hope we can journal all the things we identify.
You know, this is one of my favorite things about homeschooling. Our education is not limited to a classroom and copy work. Learning is fun and we do it all day long, everywhere where we go! How awesome is that? Is it really school when we have this much fun? I am so grateful and blessed to be able to stay home with my son to teach him and watch his discoveries.
What is your favorite part about homeschooling? How often do your take your classroom outdoors? Share your journey with me and join the fun.
You know, this is one of my favorite things about homeschooling. Our education is not limited to a classroom and copy work. Learning is fun and we do it all day long, everywhere where we go! How awesome is that? Is it really school when we have this much fun? I am so grateful and blessed to be able to stay home with my son to teach him and watch his discoveries.
What is your favorite part about homeschooling? How often do your take your classroom outdoors? Share your journey with me and join the fun.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Three in Thirty
October Goals
For my October goals, I have chosen:
1. Read one inspirational book (Relationship with God)
2. Establish a blog posting/ writing routine (Social Media)
3. Decorate for Fall (Home/Organization)
I have already completed one goal! What, you're not applauding? I've put out our fall decorations with the exception of the turkey things. I'll put those out next month closer to Thanksgiving. So far we have a few table decorations, window clings, a couple of mantle pieces, and I added a few pumpkins to the year round table center piece.
I don't really do a whole lot of seasonal decorating outside of Christmas. I don't know why...maybe because my family never did. We always had a Christmas tree, of course. Now that I'm a mom, I'll have to do better! I think my son and husband appreciate it- so that motivates me. I enjoy making seasonal crafts with my DS4. I'm sure we'll get more elaborate with the decorations as he gets older.
It's fun getting back into the #3in30 habit! How are you doing with your goals? I love seeing everyone's progress. It's encouraging to me that we all have so many similar goals. Great minds think alike, right? Keep up the good work, Ladies. #3in30 Blessings to you!
For my October goals, I have chosen:
1. Read one inspirational book (Relationship with God)
2. Establish a blog posting/ writing routine (Social Media)
3. Decorate for Fall (Home/Organization)
I have already completed one goal! What, you're not applauding? I've put out our fall decorations with the exception of the turkey things. I'll put those out next month closer to Thanksgiving. So far we have a few table decorations, window clings, a couple of mantle pieces, and I added a few pumpkins to the year round table center piece.
I don't really do a whole lot of seasonal decorating outside of Christmas. I don't know why...maybe because my family never did. We always had a Christmas tree, of course. Now that I'm a mom, I'll have to do better! I think my son and husband appreciate it- so that motivates me. I enjoy making seasonal crafts with my DS4. I'm sure we'll get more elaborate with the decorations as he gets older.
Silk Leaves |
Pumpkinized Centerpiece |
Living Room Mantle |
Sun Porch Window Cling |
(You know, I really did want applause- just a little.)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Three in Thirty
Blue Crab |
Snack Time |
I am proud to say that I accomplished two of my three goals. Notice how I put a positive spin on that? It's all about attitude, Baby. I created a home management journal. I may do a post on it with links to the pages I used. Want to see it?
Front Cover |
Calendar Pages |
Scripture Confession Pages |
And I tackled the over flowing stack of magazines and catalogs. Now it's down to three that we are actually using. Here's a before and after:
After |
See you next time...
Friday, September 9, 2011
Three in Thirty - Back in the Game
It's been awhile since I've written a #3in30 post. I've been busy, getting things done, and doing the dailies. I just haven't been goal setting (more like list making). Buuuuuuuuuuut I'm back in the game now so here are my goals:
1. (God Category) Read one inspirational book. Yes, I know. This was a previous (unfinished) goal. It didn't work out. After my evening Bible time, I fall asleep. Any suggestions?
2. (Social Media Category) Empty the dining room of the 2 foot stack of magazines and catalogs. Really, this has nothing to do with social media. Read about my blogger envy confession. Let's just say I've got some commitment issues. Maybe next month I'll set and stick to a blogging schedule. Don't hold your breath, though.
3. (Get Organized) Create a Home Management Binder. I've actually completed this one. It was a nightmare! I printed all my lists and pages. I made and laminated front and back covers. I took it to the local office supply/ print shop for binding and they RUINED it. I had to start all over and you know what? They ruined it again! Hours upon hours of work, costly paper, and precious printer ink made me want to cry. My wonderful, gallant, and always to the rescue husband offered to beat up the staff but I opted for buying a binding machine instead. Much better for all involved, wouldn't you say? We have only one office supply store and I can't afford to burn bridges with all the homeschooling supplies I need. (I did kinda' want to show them my finished binder, though. Rub their noses in it. I was successful on the first attempt! So easy. Alas, the love of Christ constrains me- after quite a bit of prayer.)
I can't wait to link up and read about your goals/progress. I always find encouragement, humor, and tons of great ideas! Let me know how you read in bed without crashing.
1. (God Category) Read one inspirational book. Yes, I know. This was a previous (unfinished) goal. It didn't work out. After my evening Bible time, I fall asleep. Any suggestions?
2. (Social Media Category) Empty the dining room of the 2 foot stack of magazines and catalogs. Really, this has nothing to do with social media. Read about my blogger envy confession. Let's just say I've got some commitment issues. Maybe next month I'll set and stick to a blogging schedule. Don't hold your breath, though.
3. (Get Organized) Create a Home Management Binder. I've actually completed this one. It was a nightmare! I printed all my lists and pages. I made and laminated front and back covers. I took it to the local office supply/ print shop for binding and they RUINED it. I had to start all over and you know what? They ruined it again! Hours upon hours of work, costly paper, and precious printer ink made me want to cry. My wonderful, gallant, and always to the rescue husband offered to beat up the staff but I opted for buying a binding machine instead. Much better for all involved, wouldn't you say? We have only one office supply store and I can't afford to burn bridges with all the homeschooling supplies I need. (I did kinda' want to show them my finished binder, though. Rub their noses in it. I was successful on the first attempt! So easy. Alas, the love of Christ constrains me- after quite a bit of prayer.)
I can't wait to link up and read about your goals/progress. I always find encouragement, humor, and tons of great ideas! Let me know how you read in bed without crashing.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Our New Curriculum
Back to school time is so exciting! I love shopping for school supplies. Ah the feel of new pens, new folders, and the smell of crayons. Heaven. Yeah- I'm nerdy like that. This year we are doing a Preschool Review through the end of the year. We will start Kindergarten in January. My son just turned four. I figured rather than have two years of one and one year of the other, I could do a year and a half of each. This way we can go slowly. You know - let it sink in. We have short days and take frequent breaks. We took some time off this summer. I doubt I will do that again because he just "lost" too much.
For finishing the year, we will continue to use a combination of Letter of the Week and Joyful Heart. These two programs have provided a great learning experience- for both of us! I've posted before on how much I like both of them. He's having a great time. I'm not to thrilled with all the prep, though.
Sure I know its a part of the job- I just wished I would have invested in printer ink stocks. Man are we going through the cartridges! In the last year alone, I've spent over $400 in just ink and paper. That just stinks, People. Stinks!
Well, that got me thinking (and crying). If I'm going to spend that much I may as well invest in a more "turn key" curriculum for Kindergarten. After much research I decided on Little Hearts For His Glory by Heart of Dakota Publishing.
I was amazed at how many books came with the package. It was VERY reasonably priced too! I just squealed opening the box when it came in. This curriculum is awesome! Very little prep work involved. Thanks to the teacher's guide I don't even have to write out lesson plans. How cool is that?!
I'm confident that this will be a great Kindergarten experience. I will enjoy being able to "school" during the day and spend my evenings relaxing with my family more.
Less work + more fun = happy mom!
Have fun visiting more Hip Homeschools at the
For finishing the year, we will continue to use a combination of Letter of the Week and Joyful Heart. These two programs have provided a great learning experience- for both of us! I've posted before on how much I like both of them. He's having a great time. I'm not to thrilled with all the prep, though.
Sure I know its a part of the job- I just wished I would have invested in printer ink stocks. Man are we going through the cartridges! In the last year alone, I've spent over $400 in just ink and paper. That just stinks, People. Stinks!
Well, that got me thinking (and crying). If I'm going to spend that much I may as well invest in a more "turn key" curriculum for Kindergarten. After much research I decided on Little Hearts For His Glory by Heart of Dakota Publishing.
I was amazed at how many books came with the package. It was VERY reasonably priced too! I just squealed opening the box when it came in. This curriculum is awesome! Very little prep work involved. Thanks to the teacher's guide I don't even have to write out lesson plans. How cool is that?!
I'm confident that this will be a great Kindergarten experience. I will enjoy being able to "school" during the day and spend my evenings relaxing with my family more.
Less work + more fun = happy mom!
Have fun visiting more Hip Homeschools at the
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Want to know a secret?
I have a love/ hate relationship with social media. I love blogging- sometimes. I love reading and learning from other moms in the trenches. I love Twitter, Instagram and Pixoshere. BUT... I'm unreliable, undependable, you just plain can't count on me for regular blog posting. There, you have it: the cold, hard truth. I'm just a blogger wannabe. For the rest of my dirty, little secret click here. You'll be redirected to MommieKate - the fun & fellowship side where I'm currently crying out for time management tips (and a maid).
The Truth Hurts
I have a love/ hate relationship with social media. I love blogging- sometimes. I love reading and learning from other moms in the trenches. I love Twitter, Instagram and Pixoshere. BUT... I'm unreliable, undependable, you just plain can't count on me for regular blog posting. There, you have it: the cold, hard truth. I'm just a blogger wannabe. I've tried scheduling my time, joining blog hops, even group accountability. Now I know that you, all twenty-four of you WONDERFUL, FAITHFUL, BEAUTIFUL followers have been holding your breath just waiting for my next blog-hopping post. What? You haven't? Well then I know you're not too disappointed. Whew. That's a relief! Thanks for loving and reading me anyway.
I have so many great ideas, so many posts in my head, so many photos to share...and no time. No motivation to wake up at 5am just to blog. No push, no pressure, no DRIVE. What I do have is a very flexible (yeah, that's what we'll call it: flexible) routine. I have a huge house to clean, an active boy to wrangle and to educate, and a hungry husband to feed - just like most of you. So how do the blogging divas do it? They have groceries, dishes and tantrums to deal with. So what have they got that I don't have? OK, that IS a rhetorical question. Please don't even begin to answer that one!
I seriously love, and I mean LOVE writing. So why is it so hard to do just one little post a week? I started blogging because I wanted to share the things that my Pastor's wife (and very dear friend) had taught me. Little things that profoundly changed my thinking and my life. Things about keeping it real with Jesus, how to manage my home for His glory, and how to practically keep a family fed and happy on a budget. I started with a few posts on how I save money and Practical Faith For Everyday Life was born. As my son grew older I started researching homeschooling blogs for pointers. I fell totally in love with the homeschooling community online and I wanted to branch out. Then came MommieKate.
I wanted to join all those lovely blog hops I had found. I wanted to BE one of those women. You know her- she works out everyday, pays only six bucks plus coupons at the grocery store for $500 worth of food, has faithful morning & evening devotions, has her housework done by 9:00am, homeschooling done by noon, and loves arts & crafts time with her genius, never- naughty boy.
The woman who does all that AND has time to blog about it. (That's the part I really wanted). I also have fantasies about photography, jewelry making, and mission trips but that's for another (probably unwritten forever) post.
Don't get me wrong, I have my Bible time. I can stretch a dollar a mile or two. My chores get done. The lessons get done. We get crafty every now and then. Don't ask about the workout. Oh, alright: I'll confess. The PX90 is still in the closet - you guessed it: unopened. I get things done and I enjoy life. I just can't seem to get a handle on writing about all these adventures.
I have blogger envy. That's my secret. Now you know.
I would love to hear how you make it all work. I'd really love you to send me a maid but while I'm waiting just clue me in with your time management tips.
I have so many great ideas, so many posts in my head, so many photos to share...and no time. No motivation to wake up at 5am just to blog. No push, no pressure, no DRIVE. What I do have is a very flexible (yeah, that's what we'll call it: flexible) routine. I have a huge house to clean, an active boy to wrangle and to educate, and a hungry husband to feed - just like most of you. So how do the blogging divas do it? They have groceries, dishes and tantrums to deal with. So what have they got that I don't have? OK, that IS a rhetorical question. Please don't even begin to answer that one!
I seriously love, and I mean LOVE writing. So why is it so hard to do just one little post a week? I started blogging because I wanted to share the things that my Pastor's wife (and very dear friend) had taught me. Little things that profoundly changed my thinking and my life. Things about keeping it real with Jesus, how to manage my home for His glory, and how to practically keep a family fed and happy on a budget. I started with a few posts on how I save money and Practical Faith For Everyday Life was born. As my son grew older I started researching homeschooling blogs for pointers. I fell totally in love with the homeschooling community online and I wanted to branch out. Then came MommieKate.
I wanted to join all those lovely blog hops I had found. I wanted to BE one of those women. You know her- she works out everyday, pays only six bucks plus coupons at the grocery store for $500 worth of food, has faithful morning & evening devotions, has her housework done by 9:00am, homeschooling done by noon, and loves arts & crafts time with her genius, never- naughty boy.
The woman who does all that AND has time to blog about it. (That's the part I really wanted). I also have fantasies about photography, jewelry making, and mission trips but that's for another (probably unwritten forever) post.
Don't get me wrong, I have my Bible time. I can stretch a dollar a mile or two. My chores get done. The lessons get done. We get crafty every now and then. Don't ask about the workout. Oh, alright: I'll confess. The PX90 is still in the closet - you guessed it: unopened. I get things done and I enjoy life. I just can't seem to get a handle on writing about all these adventures.
I have blogger envy. That's my secret. Now you know.
I would love to hear how you make it all work. I'd really love you to send me a maid but while I'm waiting just clue me in with your time management tips.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Joy in the Giving
Often when we think of Christian love and charity, we think big: mission trips, feeding centers, large sums of money. We think of our local tithes and offerings. We think of the parable of the Widow's Mite. I have found myself thinking of her a lot lately. I think of how in her poverty, she gave all that she had. I think of how her humble heart caught the eye of the Master. I think of how He praised her. I've been contemplating the principles of Godly Giving and whether or not I measure up to His expectations.
While studying I noticed that God expects us to be joyful as well as generous in our giving. I also realized that giving all I have is not just about money. God expects more of me than just my envelope in the offering plate. While I am obedient in my finances, I'm not sure that my giving has honored Him the way that Widow's Mite did.
I want to honor Him so badly- to catch His eye. I want to make Him proud. I want to give ALL. What a lofty goal. So daunting, really. Is it even attainable? Can I really give Him ALL? As I shifted my focus from money, I saw so many other opportunities.
I can smile more, not just when I'm happy. I can smile at the cashier when I'm held up in line because she's changing the tape roll and taking forever. I can smile at the driver who takes my turn at the stop sign. I can smile at my son when he's struggling to do a big boy job all by himself when I could do it so much faster. (I can even smile at these rowdy teenagers who are distracting me while I write this post utilizing free Wi Fi at McDonald's. )
In my routine shopping, I can get a few "extras" for others. I can pick up some extra can goods at the grocery store for the local food bank. I can pick up an extra pack of diapers & wipes for the women's shelter. I can take a book of stamps and some paper to the alcohol & drug treatment center. I can take my old magazines to the nursing home.
I can make (and give Him) better choices. When challenged I can choose mercy. I can choose forgiveness. I can choose patience. I can choose kindness. I can listen patiently as if for the first time when my grandmother repeats the same story for the 100th time. I can be sweet instead of sarcastic when my husband forgets that it's date night and volunteers to work a later shift. I can choose peace instead of arguing my point when a neighbor oversteps her bounds.
I'm learning that giving all I have is so much simpler than I thought. It's so much broader than I imagined. If I choose a positive perspective about it, I can even have fun looking for opportunities to give more, to do more, to truly serve Him in my everyday life. I can give myself, my heart, my obedience as well as my money.
While studying I noticed that God expects us to be joyful as well as generous in our giving. I also realized that giving all I have is not just about money. God expects more of me than just my envelope in the offering plate. While I am obedient in my finances, I'm not sure that my giving has honored Him the way that Widow's Mite did.
I want to honor Him so badly- to catch His eye. I want to make Him proud. I want to give ALL. What a lofty goal. So daunting, really. Is it even attainable? Can I really give Him ALL? As I shifted my focus from money, I saw so many other opportunities.
I can smile more, not just when I'm happy. I can smile at the cashier when I'm held up in line because she's changing the tape roll and taking forever. I can smile at the driver who takes my turn at the stop sign. I can smile at my son when he's struggling to do a big boy job all by himself when I could do it so much faster. (I can even smile at these rowdy teenagers who are distracting me while I write this post utilizing free Wi Fi at McDonald's. )
In my routine shopping, I can get a few "extras" for others. I can pick up some extra can goods at the grocery store for the local food bank. I can pick up an extra pack of diapers & wipes for the women's shelter. I can take a book of stamps and some paper to the alcohol & drug treatment center. I can take my old magazines to the nursing home.
I can make (and give Him) better choices. When challenged I can choose mercy. I can choose forgiveness. I can choose patience. I can choose kindness. I can listen patiently as if for the first time when my grandmother repeats the same story for the 100th time. I can be sweet instead of sarcastic when my husband forgets that it's date night and volunteers to work a later shift. I can choose peace instead of arguing my point when a neighbor oversteps her bounds.
I'm learning that giving all I have is so much simpler than I thought. It's so much broader than I imagined. If I choose a positive perspective about it, I can even have fun looking for opportunities to give more, to do more, to truly serve Him in my everyday life. I can give myself, my heart, my obedience as well as my money.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Rolling Out!
Buckle up, Peeps, we are on the go!
I55 at St. Louis |
Road trip! After months of searching we found THE camper that is just perfect for us. We traveled 14 hours (one way) to pick it up. Round trip we traveled over 1600 miles in just three days. Yes, it was exhausting but so worth the trip (I'll dish on the savings later)!
Are we there yet? |
I have to brag just a bit- my DS3 was an absolute champ! I wasn't very confident about his ability to endure such a long time in the truck without multiple melt-downs. Heck, I wasn't sure I could endure the trip without multiple melt-downs! He was great! We all had a super time watching the scenery, singing along to the cd player, and visiting with each other. The promise of a nightly swim at the hotel was a great incentive for good behavior, by the way.
Why on earth would we voluntarily embark on such a journey? To save a boat load of bucks, that's why! For us camping is a way that we can vacation without breaking the bank. We can do more, see more, go more often for a lot less money. After a few attempts at tent camping, we decided that sleeping on the ground was not for us. Face it, for me to consider it fun I have to sleep comfortably. I want a cushy bed and air conditioning/heating at the end of the day. A microwave in case of a rained-out campfire helps too!
We researched for months. We had to figure out what we wanted in a camper and balance that with what my husband's truck could haul and with what our budget could handle. When we decided on a few models we started scouting dealers and classifieds. We purchased our camper at Cheyenne Camping Center. Even with what we spent traveling to pick it up, we saved between $5-10,000.00 for what the same model was going for locally. We purchased a brand new 2012 model for LESS than the price of many used ones we saw for sale.
Was this my original plan for seeing the world? No. Sometimes you have to have to adjust. Even when your dream seems impossible I have found that there is always a way, ALWAYS. You just have to be open to new/different paths to getting what you want. Sometimes it turns out even better!
Our adventures begin! |
Monday, May 30, 2011
Video Resources
I have (finally) boarded the YouTube train. I know, I know... a little late. Really, I thought it was all about bootleg music videos and weirdo exhibitionists. You know, the DARK side (play sinister music here). Yes, all that's out there and more- but now I have found it to be a wonderful resource for preschool videos, books, music, and mini-lessons. The subscription button is now my friend (that's my tool for weeding out the yucky stuff). I'm passing along some of my favorites. Enjoy!
And one more just for fun!
And one more just for fun!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Three in Thirty
I must admit: I've had a hard time picking my goals for April. There just seems to be so much to do. Narrowing it down has been almost impossible. Heck- I don't even have all three. I'm hoping that somehow as I type it will come to me.
My three categories are: to grow in my relationship with God, participate regularly in social media, and become more organized. OK, it's starting to come to me. I want spend more time reading so I'll make that a goal. #1 Finish a book of spiritual nature. I didn't do so well coming up with a blogging/writing schedule so I'll keep that as #2. Hmmm...#3...get more organized...hmmm. I've started doing online surveys and swagbuck collecting. I think for #3, I'll create a form (and share it online) to keep up with my surveys and such and whether or not I've received compensation.
There you have it. A week later but I've got it. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. I can't wait to see your April goals and progress. #3in30 blessings to you!
My three categories are: to grow in my relationship with God, participate regularly in social media, and become more organized. OK, it's starting to come to me. I want spend more time reading so I'll make that a goal. #1 Finish a book of spiritual nature. I didn't do so well coming up with a blogging/writing schedule so I'll keep that as #2. Hmmm...#3...get more organized...hmmm. I've started doing online surveys and swagbuck collecting. I think for #3, I'll create a form (and share it online) to keep up with my surveys and such and whether or not I've received compensation.
There you have it. A week later but I've got it. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. I can't wait to see your April goals and progress. #3in30 blessings to you!
Thankful Thursday
I am so thankful for spring time. With everything in bloom and mild temperatures it is so much fun to be outdoors. My son and I have been able to romp and play almost every afternoon. We picnic and even do some of our homeschooling lessons on a blanket in the yard.
Spring is a time for renewal. It gives me that clean slate- anything is possible feeling. The crisp air and sunshine make me smile on the inside. I feel like a kid again- good thing I have a little kid to be silly with! If you haven't already, take the opportunity to go outside and PLAY. Enjoy nature. Have fun. Be silly.
What are you thankful for? Link up at Spiritually Unequal Marriage and share!
Spring is a time for renewal. It gives me that clean slate- anything is possible feeling. The crisp air and sunshine make me smile on the inside. I feel like a kid again- good thing I have a little kid to be silly with! If you haven't already, take the opportunity to go outside and PLAY. Enjoy nature. Have fun. Be silly.
What are you thankful for? Link up at Spiritually Unequal Marriage and share!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Three in Thirty
Yikes! The month is almost up! I have NOT accomplished my blog scheduling goal. (Although I did land an AWESOME interview w/AProverbsWife!) Where did the time go? I've been a little sidetracked... looks like April will have a carry-over. I'm proud to say that I HAVE been able to do my scripture confessions regularly. I'm also VERY proud to say that I have been getting to bed on time almost every night.
I've been filling up my daily to-do list with things that aren't on my goal list. I need to get back to the Maximize Your Mornings Mission Statement and be very selective about adding chores. I've been too easily distracted lately with things that haven't produced the fruit I'm after.
How's your #3n30 going? Did you complete your goals? What has been your triumph? Your challenge? I love reading your progress- I'm always encouraged by your posts.
I've been filling up my daily to-do list with things that aren't on my goal list. I need to get back to the Maximize Your Mornings Mission Statement and be very selective about adding chores. I've been too easily distracted lately with things that haven't produced the fruit I'm after.
How's your #3n30 going? Did you complete your goals? What has been your triumph? Your challenge? I love reading your progress- I'm always encouraged by your posts.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Proverbs Wife $$$ Tips & Links
I am super excited to have a guest interview today! Saidah writes at, where she shares her journey in modeling herself after Proverbs 31:10-31. She writes about how scripture molds her into being a better Christian, wife, and mother. You’re sure to be inspired by reading her blog. She also shares some really great coupons and bargains there. You can also find her chatting it up with her readers Facebook and Twitter.
How did you get started clipping coupons and participating in online surveys?
I began using coupons and taking surveys in 2008 as a means to stretch my husband's income. Our budget was extremely tight and I decide to help my husband by being a better steward over our grocery budget. He was totally against me working outside of the home so, instead of trying to make money I decided to start helping us save money. Shortly after learning to use coupons I began investigating ways to make money from home. One of the ways that intrigued me was giving my opinion for compensation. I didn't know if anyone could really make money taking surveys, but once I signed up for my first survey company, I was convinced that it was something I could do. I'd spend a little time each week taking surveys and then cash out at the end of each month.
How did you get started clipping coupons and participating in online surveys?
I began using coupons and taking surveys in 2008 as a means to stretch my husband's income. Our budget was extremely tight and I decide to help my husband by being a better steward over our grocery budget. He was totally against me working outside of the home so, instead of trying to make money I decided to start helping us save money. Shortly after learning to use coupons I began investigating ways to make money from home. One of the ways that intrigued me was giving my opinion for compensation. I didn't know if anyone could really make money taking surveys, but once I signed up for my first survey company, I was convinced that it was something I could do. I'd spend a little time each week taking surveys and then cash out at the end of each month.
How much time do you spend per week on the above? If you could put a dollar amount per hour that you spend, what would you estimate earning potential to be?
I don't spend as much time taking surveys anymore because I have other streams of income that require my attention, but when I began I'd spend about 2-3 hours a week taking surveys. In this time I would earn anywhere from $150 - $200 a month. It's not a whole lot, but it allowed me to help put the "budge" back into our budget. Now I make less. In February I made $50 taking surveys.
How do you balance your online activity with your other homemaking responsibilities?
My computer is on a great deal of the day from October - January, simply because there are so many amazing deals and I want my readers to be able to shop for Christmas a frugally as possible. I am a firm believer that with a little bit of planning Christmas gift can be paid for without breaking the budget. I know from experience that it can even be funded for FREE. The remaining months of the year, I pray a lot and talk with my husband about my schedule.
I never feel like I'm balancing well but I do have a schedule. I am a master schedule writer and chief life organizer (in my mind. However, I understand that no amount of scheduling will ever be perfect unless God creates it. This is why I pray regularly for direction and guidance about the way that I use my time, how I interact with my family and about my blog.
My computer is on a great deal of the day from October - January, simply because there are so many amazing deals and I want my readers to be able to shop for Christmas a frugally as possible. I am a firm believer that with a little bit of planning Christmas gift can be paid for without breaking the budget. I know from experience that it can even be funded for FREE. The remaining months of the year, I pray a lot and talk with my husband about my schedule.
I never feel like I'm balancing well but I do have a schedule. I am a master schedule writer and chief life organizer (in my mind. However, I understand that no amount of scheduling will ever be perfect unless God creates it. This is why I pray regularly for direction and guidance about the way that I use my time, how I interact with my family and about my blog.
How do you find all those amazing deals?
I find many deals right in my inbox. I am partnered with some great affiliate companies and brands who send deals and offers to my inbox daily. I also have amazing blog friends and readers who forward deals to me as well. You'd be surprised to know that I find amazing coupons codes and FREE sample offers in magazines or while watching television. As a blogger who posts deals so often, I don't look at everything the way most people do. I'm always looking for a deal. For instance, while watching a television ad, I heard about a new chicken sandwich variety, but at the end of the commercial I also heard, "Come on in and get a FREE sample". When I find offline deals I usually make a note to confirm them and post the offer on my blog.
What advice would you give to newbies?
To new bloggers I would say make the choice earlier on who you will worship. Blogging can be a popularity contest filled with many "in-crowds". It can also be a field that can put you in a position to be idolized. This being the case, I advise choosing early on to honor God in everything you do. If you decide to monetize your blog never put money before your readers and if you do, be swift to apologize for any lapse in judgment.
What's the most challenging part of your typical week?
To new bloggers I would say make the choice earlier on who you will worship. Blogging can be a popularity contest filled with many "in-crowds". It can also be a field that can put you in a position to be idolized. This being the case, I advise choosing early on to honor God in everything you do. If you decide to monetize your blog never put money before your readers and if you do, be swift to apologize for any lapse in judgment.
What's the most challenging part of your typical week?
The most challenging is balancing it all.
I love time with God.
I love time with my family.
I love homeschooling.
I love blogging.
I love homemaking.
These areas of my life threaten to overtake one another on a daily basis. That's the most challenging part of my week. Keeping everything in it's proper proportion.
What's the most exciting part of your typical week?
It's different every week. One week it could be learning that a company has decided to partner with me on a project. Another week it could be a surprise date night with my husband or a special quiet moment with the Lord. It varies and I'm easily excitable.
What excited me this week was my daughter scoring a 90% on her spelling test for the second straight week. This is huge because she is a delayed reader due to dyslexia. That's what excited me this week.
What role does frugality play in your faith walk?
My family uses every opportunity to save so that we can give more away. We endeavor to be debt FREE because we know that God can't use our finances as long as we are in debt. Our family goal is to live simply and pay off our mortgage so that we can be available for God's use in the international missionary field.
What do you do for "down time" entertainment/ relaxation?
The ultimate downtime is reading the Bible and listening to Christian music. It is the one activity that leaves me rejuvenated and inspired. Other things I enjoy are spending time with my family and gardening. While I'm not that great in the garden, I just like being outdoors close to Gods creation. It humbles me to watch the growth cycle of the earth. Once you've experienced it, it's hard to deny the sovereignty and existence of God.

Website: AProverbsWife offers inspiration, frugal tips and great conversation for living life as today's Proverbs 31 wives & women!
On Twitter: @proverbswife
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Three in Thirty
Whew! Is it just me or is March just flying by? So much to do...
I'm progressing well enough with my goals this month. How about you? Truth is, I could so better...sometimes, though I have to remind myself that just DOING IT is good enough. It doesn't have to be perfect. I'm doing my scripture confessions almost every day. I have not yet worked out a blogging schedule that works for me. I have it on the schedule but life just isn't cooperating with the written schedule! The good news (are you ready? Get ready cause it's good.) is:
I'm progressing well enough with my goals this month. How about you? Truth is, I could so better...sometimes, though I have to remind myself that just DOING IT is good enough. It doesn't have to be perfect. I'm doing my scripture confessions almost every day. I have not yet worked out a blogging schedule that works for me. I have it on the schedule but life just isn't cooperating with the written schedule! The good news (are you ready? Get ready cause it's good.) is:
I'm getting to bed at a descent hour EVERY night!
(Now that I've put it out there, I'll probably be up til 2:00am! Let's hope not!)
Even if it's not perfect, I've made progress. This month that's good enough! Take encouragement, #3in30 Sisters:
"The virtue lies in the struggle, not in the prize."
Richard M. Milnes
Richard M. Milnes
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Spring-time Super Savings
Saving money is high priority around here these days. I'm always looking for ways to make less do more.
Frugality is Godly
Ways to Stretch That Dollar! Part 1
Ways to Stretch That Dollar! Part 2
Ways to Stretch That Dollar! Part 3
Coupon Rescue
photo from Amy Bayliss at
I'm excited about some new ideas that I'll be sharing with you soon. In the mean are a few links to some of my first posts on ways to save. What will you be doing with your savings?Frugality is Godly
Ways to Stretch That Dollar! Part 1
Ways to Stretch That Dollar! Part 2
Ways to Stretch That Dollar! Part 3
Coupon Rescue
Thursday, March 3, 2011
You Are So Beautiful!
Someone (besides me) needs to hear this today: you are so beautiful and so very loved! Jesus gave so much just to spend eternity with YOU. The song below just touched my heart so deeply!
To watch the video click below:
This song has touched many hearts, click here to see how it touched my friend Teri Johnson at Keeping it Personal.
I hope you enjoy...To watch the video click below:
Here are the lyrics from Metro Lyrics:
The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful
I'm praying that you have the heart to find
Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful
Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skys above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to die
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
In His eyes
You're beautiful
You were meant for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're meant for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
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